Product Overview
The Starfield 0.6x Reducer doubles as a field flattener. The unique optical accessory is a must for anyone that is imaging with a DSLR or dedicated astronomy camera. What makes this reducer different over all the others?
Providing pin point stars across the field of view, the Starfield 0.6x reducer/flattener decrease the focal length of your imaging refractor. Designed to be used with any refractor, f/6 and longer, with a 2" focuser, and requires 55mm of back focus. Perfect for any DSLR imager. No additional extension rings are required. A clear aperture using a 48mm T-Ring. Your imaging sessions will benefit with shorter exposure times and a larger field of view. A 48mm T-Ring is required.
Multi-coated optics housed in a high polish, and hard anodize finished aluminum body to help reduce weight. This all metal constructed accessory will look like jewelry for your telescope. Includes standard M48 T thread for camera connection, and 48mm filter thread to add your favorite light pollution filter.
Coatings Fully - multi-coated
Clear aperture - 44mm (With M48 ring)
Mounting - Threaded 48mm Filter
Weight (oz.) - 6
Warranty - One year