
Skywatcher AZ-EQ5 GoTo Mount

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Your Price: $2,640.00
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Product Overview

The Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ5 SynScan GoTo mount is equally useful as an EQ mount or operating in AZ mode. The AZ-EQ5 SynScan features hybrid stepper motor drives on both axes for smooth slewing at up to 4.2° .The mount accepts the standard ST-4 style autoguider input for astrophotography, and also has a DSLR shutter control port. Supplied with a SynScan handset with dual AZ/EQ firmware, it can automatically find and track 42,900+ celestial objects with its database.

The AZ-EQ5 GT mount is equipped with an index on its R.A. worm. Thus the motor controller can keep track of the current position of the worm. After a proper PEC training routine, in which the training data is stored in the motor controller permanently, a user can start the periodic error correction (PEC) at any time to improve the tracking performance for short focal length astrophotography. A training process is not required in the next observing session (assuming that the polar alignment is always accurate). Thus this is a Permanent Period Error Correction (PPEC). A user can train the mount with manual guiding or auto-guiding. For detailed instruc­tions, please refer to the relevant section in the SynScan hand controller instruction manual.
Batch Exposures Function

The AZ-EQ5 GT mount is equipped with two SNAP ports which can control the shutter releas­ing of two cameras. Working with the SynScan hand control’s “Camera Control” function, a user can take batch exposures when doing astrophotography. Up to 8 groups of “Exposure-time & Frames” combinations can be set on the SynScan hand controller. For detailed infor­mation, refer to the SynScan hand control’s instruction manual.
Freedom Find™ - tracking made easy!

With the patented Freedom Find (dual-encoder) technology which allows the telescope to be moved manually or electronically in either axis without losing its alignment or positional information. After moving to a new object the telescope will automatically begin to track the new object accurately. No re-setup is required in one observing session.


Tripod Height747 mm pier tripod 
Tracking RatesSidereal / Solar / Lunar rate 
Guiding Speed0.125X, 0.25X, 0.5X, 0.75X, 1X 
Mount TypeEQ/Alt-AZ Dual Mode 
Counter Weight2 x 3.5kg 
Motor Drive1.8 º Hybrid Stepper Motor 
GOTO SystemSynScan Hand Control 
Tripod Weight6.1kg pier stand (mount weight 7.7kg) 
Shipping Weight11kgs; 5kgs 
Shipping Dimensions47x45x31cm3;89x28x34cm3 
Power SupplyDC11~16V 3A 
Payload Capacity15kg 
Tracking ModesAlt-azimuth / Equatorial mode 
Slewing SpeedMaximum 4.2 degrees/second 


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